Cannon Fire Sprinklers Has Secured BAFSA Membership

Cannon Fire Sprinklers is now a British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) member. BAFSA works together with the government, protective services and building control officers, ensuring all sprinkler systems are installed to the highest professional standard.  BAFSA members account for over 85% of sprinkler and watermist installations in the UK.

Obtaining the BAFSA membership shows Cannon Fire Sprinklers’ dedication to the UK sprinkler industry, helping to build a strong trade association to influence future standards and policies. As a member, Cannon Fire Sprinklers has many unique opportunities such as access to all BAFSA’s latest resources, education and training aiding in the further development of our strong and highly skilled team.

Cannon Fire Sprinklers continues to promote the important role sprinklers have in protecting people and their properties, demonstrating professionalism, competence and devotion to our customers always.

Mike Green, Managing Director said:

“Following on from our recent success in becoming third party accredited I am pleased to be able to confirm our membership of BAFSA , the leading trade association in the fire sprinkler industry. It should be the responsibility of all businesses active within this sector to support and contribute to the wider use of automatic fire sprinklers in preventing damage and loss of life caused by fire. Therefore , Cannon Fire Sprinklers , part of the Asset Protection Group of Companies look forward to supporting the association on the various sub committees.”

Mike Green further added:

“The competency and training of aspects of the workforce is of critical importance to this industry and I look forward to participating in the skills and development committee which was established by myself and a handful of like minded individuals over 10 years.”


BAFSA has been established for over 40 years and is the UK’s leading professional trade association for all parts of the fire sprinkler industry. It is an organisation with an all-inclusive approach, benefitting the greater public good, primarily funded by its members and activities.