Wet – Riser
Sprinklers Systems
Must be installed in buildings that are higher than 50m, making water available on all floors.
How Does a Wet-Riser Systems Work?
A wet riser system is fed into the wet fire main water supply and is permanently charged with pressured water. They must be installed where floors are higher than 50m above the FRS access level, so water is available on all floors.

Who needs a Wet-Riser System?
Wet risers are critical for firefighters to contain and extinguish fires in buildings with multiple floors and inaccessible areas.
A building over 50m requires a wet riser, integrated into the architecture.
They are designed to allow the FRS to take a water supply into a building with multiple floors, without the issue of running a fire hose from the bottom to the top.
High Quality Installs
All Cannon Fire Sprinklers’ riser installations are carried out to the specification of BS 9990: Code of Practice for Non – Automatic Fire Fighting Systems in Buildings.
It recommends risers are serviced annually and inspected every 6 months.

In comparison to the time it takes to run a hose up and down a multi-storey building, risers are a far more resourceful way of getting water to suppress a fire. The time saved could help the FRS prevent a large-scale disaster.
Easy Install
Risers are very quick and easy to install, they don’t require any special equipment, facilities or changes to the structure of the building. Cannon Fire Sprinklers’ highly trained engineers are knowledgeable and can install both wet and dry risers.
Reduce Demand on Firefighters
Risers prevent a delay to fire-fighting operations and stops a hose creating a hazard during the evacuation process. This allows firefighters to do their job efficiently and successfully, with less disruption. It gives the fire less time to spread, allowing firefighters more time to prevent damage.