
Fire Sprinklers

This type of sprinkler reacts to heat when the room temperature reaches between 60 and 70 degrees.

How Does an A.F.S.S. Work?

Automatic fire sprinklers are one of the most effective means of fire suppression and protection. This type of sprinkler reacts to heat, when the room temperature reaches between 60 and 70 degrees, the sprinkler will activate to suppress the fire. Automatic fire sprinklers are particularly useful for vacant properties, minimising damage and allowing buildings to be used for other purposes. Automatic fire sprinklers also have the capability to notify the emergency services when it activates, usually suppressing the fire before the Fire Rescue Service even arrives.

High Quality A.F.F.S. Installs

All installations by Cannon Fire Sprinklers are certified to BS 9251. (BS 9251: Fire sprinkler systems for domestic and residential occupancies. Code of practice.)

We know the valuable role sprinklers play in saving lives and protecting property.

We design, install and maintain commercial and residential fire sprinkler systems bespoke to fit your specifications.

Low Maintenance 

Sprinklers run smoothly and with Cannon Fire Sprinklers’ maintenance package, you can rest assured that your system will operate in peak condition, providing the required level of fire protection.

Reduces Risk of Damage

Sprinkler systems work faster than waiting for the FRS. Sprinklers use a minimal amount of water in comparison to the FRS which means less damage is caused to the appearance and structure of the property.


The financial and emotional damage fires can cause makes them more than worth the initial price for the protection they’ll afford. Sprinklers allow for a reduction in other fire safety measures, giving people more time to get out the premises so the number of escape routes could be reduced.

Industry Recognised

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